[生物醫學] 發現帕金森氏症剋星 研究員之一來自台灣
自由時報電子報 2009/02/04
[BioMedicine] Anti-Parkinsonism Solution Found! One of the Researchers from Taiwan
A medical report, presented on 2nd-Feb., 2009, points out that strengthening a particular natural protection mechanism of brain can make Parkinsonism totally preclusive. In mice experiments, it is concluded that by invigorating the Nrf2 production of the star-shaped astrocytes, the reaction against some chemical poisonous alluring Parkinson's syndrome is prohibited. P. C. Chen (陳珮君) from Taiwan participated the finding.
Parkinson's syndrome is due to the death or the degeneration of the neurons in substantia nigra. These nerve cells produce neurotransmitter dopamine. If the dopamine secretion is not enough, the patient would show disordered muscle performances such as tremor, hypokinesia, rigidity, and postural instability. Recent solution to Parkinson's syndrome is drug treatment, but the effect is in an inverse relation to time. A research team of the University of Wisconsin-Madison presents a report in PNAS,
Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, showing that genetically modified mice whose astrocytes can produce protein Nrf2 twice in quantity than regular ones, have no Parkinson's characteristics when injected with high-dose neuro-chemical poisonous MPTP, which can kill neurons in subtatia nigra to simulate Parkinsonism condition. Besides, the postdoctoral researcher P. C. Chen from Taiwan finds in the research that the mixed breed of a g-modified mouse which has super protein Nrf2 production astrocytes, and a g-modified mouse which cannot produce Nrf2 at all, has the resistance ability against the injury from MPTP, as well.
P. C. Chen was graduated from the Department of Medical Engineering, Chang Gung Univeristy (CGU), and got her master and doctor degree in CGU-Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Science. She went to the United States for postdoctoral research in 2006; her research fields are mainly about drugs of addiction and dopamine systems.
Liberty Times E-paper 2009/02/04
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2009 03:16PM by gustav.