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[Industrial] Electrical Vehicle Forum Begins in the Middle April

Posted by gustav 
[Industrial] Electrical Vehicle Forum Begins in the Middle April

分類標籤: Sci-Tech Digest  電動車
[Industrial] Electrical Vehicle Forum Begins in the Middle April (Chinese Version)

Awakening News Networks (2010/02/22) Although the Ministry of Economic Affairs planned to promote electrical vehicles, the related supportive programs and policies are not ready yet. On the contrary, the industrial takes energetic actions responding to the global electrical vehicle market. A forum on vehicle batteries will be held in Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall on April 13.

Following the global trend of energy saving and carbon reduction, electrical vehicle market becomes a growing niche market. Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association thus holds a forum on electrical vehicle technology in Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall on April 13. The topics of the forum include: the new trend of vehicle batteries and new applications of Microcontroller Unit (MCU) for electrical vehicles' energy efficiency control. Besides, sessions introducing new regulations in various countries, technology of battery safety and its durability also provide information for the companies' preparation for reliability test.

Related website: www.2cm.com.tw、www.mem.com.tw (Chinese)

Awakening News Networks 2010/02/22 (Chinese)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2010 09:31PM by gustav.